Window of Archipelago

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang ( Dreamland Library ) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bug...

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang (Dreamland Library) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bugis call it" Dewata Sisinae ". The people who still uphold the sacred values ​​of the One God, in fact many stakeholders (supported by foreigners who are disturbed by their existence) who want to destroy are the To Lotang people in Amparita, Sidenreng Rappang Regency, "

The gods in the beliefs of the Bugis, as told in La Galigo, dwell in the upper world (Boting Langiq) and the underworld (Buriq Liu).

Until now, the La Galigo manuscript is placed by the Bugis as the "Sacred Book", so that it should not be read like a textbook, or a newspaper, but must be with personal hygiene and heart. For this reason, it is advisable for the Young Generation in general, and the Bugis Young Generation in particular, to help preserve and live it as a "Book" that teaches noble values.

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