Window of Archipelago

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang ( Dreamland Library ) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bug...

The History of the Boedi Oetomo 1908 AD

Jakarta (DreamLandLibrary) - Budi Utomo (Boedi Oetomo) is a youth organization founded on May 20, 1908, by Dr. Soetomo, along with 9 STOVIA students (Javanese Medical School), among others: Goenawan Mangoenkoesoemo, Soeraji, Soewarno.

The establishment of Budi Utomo was the beginning of a movement aimed at achieving Indonesian independence, even though at that time the organization was only intended for Javanese-educated groups.

On Sunday, May 20, 1908, at nine in the morning, in one of STOVIA's study rooms, Soetomo explained his idea, that the future of the nation and the Motherland was in their hands.

This is the reason for the birth of Boedi Oetomo, but young people are also aware that they still have many duties as medical students, aside from having to organize.

For this reason, according to them the need for "old people" who must lead Budi Utomo, while the youth themselves will become the motor that will drive the organization.

Budi Utomo underwent several changes of leaders, the majority held by leaders from the "priyaji" or nobles from the palace, including: Raden Adipati Tirtokoesoemo, former Karanganyar Regent, and Prince Ario Noto Dirodjo from the Pakualaman Palace.

After a year of its establishment, this organization suffered a setback.

Boedi Oetomo's Leadership in 10 Years
This is because Raden Adipati Tirtokoesoemo, a former Karanganyar Regent, is more likely to be a submissive person to the Dutch colonial government. He is not a person who is committed to an idea of ​​independence ..

Then Tirtokoesomo was succeeded by Prince Ario Noto Dirodjo of the Pakualaman Palace. This organization is increasingly seen as a society of nobles, rather than a progressive liberation organization.

Disunity is inevitable, with some young members declaring to leave the organization. Tjipto Mangoenkosoemo was one of those who strongly protested the increasingly conservative direction of organizational policies.

Multatuli in the romance of Max Havelaar, stated a theory that convinced "To dominate the Javanese, it was enough to control its leaders", and the colony was easier to master through its leaders.

Photo: Special

History of Sarekat Islam 1,911 AD

Jakarta (DreamLandLibrary) - Islamic Syarikat (Sarekat Islam - SI). Formerly called Sarekat Dagang Islam (abbreviated SDI), and it was founded on October 16, 1905 by Haji Samanhudi.

SDI was originally an organization formed by Haji Samanhudi and his friends, as an association of Islamic traders who opposed Dutch politics, allowing the entry of foreign traders to control the people's economy at that time.
  • In 1906, at the first SDI congress in Solo, the name SDI was changed to Sarekat Islam.
  • In 1912, September 10, due to political and social conditions at that time, HOS Tjokroaminoto faced the notary B. ter Kuile in Solo to make Islamic Sarikat as a Legal Entity, with a new SI Statute, which was recognized and endorsed by the Dutch Government on September 14, 1912.
With the change to SI, Hos Tjokroaminoto changed the SDI jurisdiction more broadly, which previously only covered economic and social issues, becoming more directed towards political and religious movements.

Furthermore, due to political and social developments, SI has again metamorphosed into a movement organization that has been renamed several times, including:
  • In 1916, Central Sarekat Islam (abbreviated as CSI)
  • In 1920, the Sarekat Islam Party (PSI)
  • In 1923, the East Indies Islamic Sarekat Party (PSIHT)
  • In 1929, the Indonesian Islamic Syarikat Party (PSII)
  • 1973, Islamic Society (PSII)
  • In 2003, at the 35th Majlis Tahkim (National Congress) in Garut, the name was changed to Syarikat Islam (abbreviated SI).
  • In 2015, the 40th Majlis Tahkim in Bandung, confirmed Dr. Hamdan Zoelva, SH., MH. as Chairman of Laznah Tanfidziyah. Through the organization's highest decision, the Islamic Syarikat returned to its khittah as an economic missionary movement.
Source: From various sources
Photo: Special

History of Muhammadiyah 1,912 AD

Jakarta (DreamLandLibrary) - Muhammadiyah is an Islamic organization, whose name is taken from the name of the Prophet Muhammad, so that Muhammadiyah can also be said to be followers of the Prophet Muhammad.

With enthusiasm to build social order and education in a more advanced and pedestrian society. This can be seen from the many places of education throughout Indonesia, the establishment of hospitals, orphanages.

Source: From various sources
Photo: Special

Arabic Culture Turns Inheritance from Christian Religious Culture