Window of Archipelago

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang ( Dreamland Library ) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bug...

The Oldest University in Indonesia

Depok (DreamLandLibrary) - A big nation is a nation that knows its own history. The world of education is a reflection of the progress of national thought.
  1. Universitas Indonesia (UI), is the oldest campus in Indonesia. Starting from 1851, the Dutch East Indies Government established a school aimed at producing physician assistants, with the title of doctor Djawa. Then in 1898 the school was called the School Tot Opleinding van Indiche Artsen (STOVIA). This medical school had changed its name several times, finally in 1947 it was then named UI and was formalized in 1955 in accordance with Law Number 10.
  2. Airlangga University (Airlangga University). the university which is located in Surabaya was originally a Dutch School of Medicine. Founded in 1913, the School tot Opleinding van Indiche Tandartsen (STOVIT) is the first dental school in Indonesia. Then in 1954 officially became Unair, besides because of history, Unair was also famous for its most comprehensive medical study program
  3. Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). This Dutch-formed campus was originally named Technishe Hooge School (THS) which during the Japanese occupation changed its name to Bandung Kogyo Daigaku. Finally it changed its name to ITB in 1959. ITB itself became the most favorite engineering university in Indonesia.
  4. Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). The university was also founded by the Dutch in 1938. It consists of five scientific disciplines, namely agriculture, forestry, and veterinary medicine. This agricultural school (Landbouw Hogesschol) once took shelter at Universiteit van Indonesia (UI) which finally separated in 1963. IPB is a pioneer campus for the faculty of veterinary medicine.
  5. Indonesian Islamic University (UII). With the initial name of the Islamic High School in 1945, it has a study program on Islam, which later changed to UII in 1948. Besides being the oldest university in Yogyakarta, UII is also one of the oldest private universities in Indonesia.

Photo: Special

Arabic Culture Turns Inheritance from Christian Religious Culture