Window of Archipelago

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang ( Dreamland Library ) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bug...

Wangsakerta Manuscript - Year 1677 AD

Trowulan (DreamLandLiberary) - Wangsakerta Manuscript - Year 1,677 AD gives us many important notes about the history of the archipelago, for this reason this manuscript can also be used as a reference to the history of the archipelago which has connections with world history.

Malay Deutero Migration
For thousands of years, the Proto Malay Nation has lived in the archipelago. Only around 300 BC, came a newcomer nation, which later became known as the Deutero Malay Nation. Nusantara has lived in Bumi Nusatara for at least 1,998,100 BC,


Aki Tirem (Salakanagara community elders, in the 2nd century AD - 130 AD), among others:
Aki Tirem's ancestor named Aki Bajulpakel settled in Swarnabumi (Sumatra) in the south, then Datuk Pawang Marga settled in Swarnabumi in the north and Datuk Banda settled in Langkasungka in India.

In Genealogy, it is clear that the migration path of the Malay Deutero Nation, originated from Indian soil, then entered the archipelago through Swarnabumi (Sumatra), and then headed to Java (Source: Anthropological Theory "Deutero Malay Migration", found by Panembahan Tohpati, Archipelago Historian of the Century 17M).

The diversity of the population of the archipelago, increasingly enriched by the presence of descendants of the Prophet Ibrahim, from the Pallawa Dynasty known as Dewawarman I (Source: (Connection) Majapahit, Pallawa and Prophet Ibrahim?). Later Dewawarman I became the ruler of Salakanagara, and married Aki Tirem's son, named Pohaci Larasati.

Lineage: Akem Tirem son of Ki Srengga son of Nyai Sariti Warawiri daughter of Sang Aki Bajulpakel son of Aki Dungkul son of Ki Pawang Sawer son of Datuk Pawang Marga son of Ki Bagang son of Son Datuk Waling son of Datuk Banda son of Nesan


Rearranged: Dream Land Team

Photo: Special

Arabic Culture Turns Inheritance from Christian Religious Culture