Window of Archipelago

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang ( Dreamland Library ) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bug...

The Mangkunegaran I Life Journey (1,725 ​​AD - 1,795 AD)

Surakarta (Dreamland Library) - Considering the heroic services of Mangkunegara I, in 1,983 AD the Government awarded the Bintang Mahaputra award.

Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya Mangkunegara I (birth name Raden Mas Said) who was born on April 7, 1,725 ​​AD in Kartasura District, and died on December 23, 1,795 AD in Surakarta, ruled the Kadaung, Matesih, Honggobayan, Sembuyan, Gunung Kidul, Pajang districts north and Kedu, for 40 years.

RM Mas Said's father, namely K.P.A. Mangkunegara, who became the eldest son of Sunan Amangkurat IV (Pakubuwana I), the ruler of the Mataram-Kartasura Shelter.

Raden Mas Said or Prince Mangkunagara I, is a legendary figure, because he is one of the most talented and experienced military leaders in Javanese history.

Mas Said was a prominent Javanese figure in the 18th century, the founder of Mangkunagaran Temple in Surakarta in 1,757 CE. During a conflict-filled and very bloody civil war, he showed his courage.

Mangkunagara sided with the rebels since 1740 AD (at the age of 14 years) and continued to fight until the year 1775 AD (age 31 years). His enemies were Susuhunan Pakubuwana II (in charge of 1,726 AD - 1,749 AD) and the Dutch Company (VOC).

In the battle against the Dutch he implemented a guerrilla warfare system through observation on Mount Gambar. The Prince's magic, believed to disappear, devastated opponents without the need for army, and modern weapons in time.

Prince Mnagkunegaran I was buried in a tomb complex located in Astana Mangadeg with a height of 750 meters above sea level. Exactly on one of the hilltops on the slopes of Mount Lawu, Central Java.

Right in front of the office of Astana Mangadeg, there is a monument, the Tri Dharma Monument.

In the place of the monument, it is believed that the Prince meditated between 16 years of his struggle against the Dutch, the prince meditated amid the silence of the hills and forests.

It was during that meditation, he formulated a philosophy known as Tri Dharma, namely:

Rumangsa melu handarbeni (feels like they belong)
Must hang hangrungkebi (must participate in maintaining)
Mulat sarira hangrasa wani (brave self-awareness).
This Tri Dharma philosophy is socialized to motivate people to love and be loyal to their kingdom.

RM Said then held the title of Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya Mangkunegaran I.

Until now there are still many people who make pilgrimage to sarean Mangkunegaran I, some of whom hold tirakat (lek-lekan - not sleeping) near sarean, or more precisely in one of the buildings under the Astana Mangadeg complex. This is because the main sarean of Mangkunegaran I and the Mangkunegoro family closed at 24 pm.

Real Javanese
Mangkunegaran I is a strong figure with the behavior of Ancestors, which can be seen from various aspects that develop within the actual Javanese society, where these values ​​lie between mystical, tradition, spiritual, and Javanese culture itself.

He knows no fear. Since a young age, he has been familiar with conflict.

When he grew up, he had to fight three enemies at the same time: VOC (Dutch), Surakarta Sunanate, and Yogyakarta Sultanate.

His actions were difficult to stop, and even resulted in the victory of the troops he led on the opposing side. From there he was nicknamed Prince Sambernyawa, because in some battles, although the number of his troops was less than the opponent's side, but he and his troops still won the battle ..

Mangkunagaran Palace
Mangkunegaran Temple (Hanacaraka: ꦦꦸꦫ ꦩꦁꦑꦸꦟꦼꦓꦫꦟ꧀) is the official palace of the Mangkunegaran Duchy, and is also the residence of its rulers (Sampéyan Ingkang Jumeneng).

The palace, located in Surakarta, began to be built in 1775 AD by Mangkunegara I with the palace model architecture. Where the building complex has parts that resemble the palace, such as having pamédan, pendapa, pringgitan, palace, and keputrèn.

The whole complex is surrounded by a wall, only the pamédan is given an iron fence.

The new temple was built after the Salatiga Agreement, as a step to start the founding of Mangkunegaran Praja, which was signed by the Raden Mas Said group, Pangeran Mangkubumi (Sultan Hamengkubuwana I), Sunan Pakubuwana III, and VOC in 1775 M. Raden Mas Said, was appointed " Prince Adipati "has the title Mangkunegara I.

The Salatiga Agreement
The difficulty of capturing Mangkunegaran I led Nicholas Hartingh, the VOC leader in Semarang, to urge Sunan Pakubuwono III to negotiate with Mangkunegaran I to the peace table. Finally, Sunan sent a messenger to meet with Mangkunegara, who was also his cousin. Ulam's beloved top arrived, finally Mangkunegara agreed to negotiate with Sunan, but on condition, without involving the VOC.

Mangkunegara met Sunan at the Keraton Surakarta with 120 of his soldiers escorted. Sunan provided logistical support in the amount of 500 guilders for Mangkunegara soldiers. With the result that the peace with Sunan Pakubuwana III was formalized in the Salatiga Agreement, 17 March 1,757 AD

The meeting took place in Jemblung Village, Wonogiri. Sunan begged RM Said to guide him. Sunan picked Mangkunegara in Tunggon Village, east of Bengawan Solo.

To determine the territory of RM Said, in the agreement which only involved Sunan Pakubuwono III, witnessed by the emissary of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, and this VOC, it was agreed that RM Said was appointed as Duke of Miji aka independent.

Although only as a duke, the legal position regarding Mangkunegaran I (the title of RM Said), was not the same as Sunan who was called the borrower of power from the Company, but he realized that he was a "little king", even his actions showed that "he was the king of Central Java the 3rd ", so the Company also treated him as the third king in Central Java, besides Raja I Sunan and Raja II Sultan.

RM Said ruled in the Kedaung, Matesih, Honggobayan, Sembuyan, Gunung Kidul, Pajang regions to the north and Kedu. Finally he built a palace on the edge of Kali Pepe on 4 Jimakir 1,683 (Java), or 1,756 AD. That place is until now known as Mangkunegaran Palace.

Women's Forces
Mangkunegaran I was the first Javanese king to involve women in his army. During his administration, he applied the Tridarma principle.

A total of 144 Laskar Mangkunegara soldiers are women, consisting of a platoon of karabijn armed soldiers (light rifles), a fully armed platoon, and a cavalry platoon (cavalry).
Mangkunegara mengajari wanita-wanita desa, untuk mengangkat senjata dan menunggang kuda di medan perang. Ia menugaskan sekretaris wanita mencatat kejadian di peperangan.

The female soldier had taken part in the battle, when RM Said had rebelled against Sunan, the Sultan and the VOC.

Source: From several sources
Photo: Special


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