Establishment of the Kingdom of Kalingga (Hindu)
Kalingga existed in the 6th century AD and its whereabouts are known from Chinese sources. The kingdom was once ruled by Queen Shima, who was known to have a rule on whoever stole, her hands would be cut off. Read more ...
Kalingga existed in the 6th century AD and its whereabouts are known from Chinese sources. The kingdom was once ruled by Queen Shima, who was known to have a rule on whoever stole, her hands would be cut off. Read more ...
Establishment of the Kanjuruhan Kingdom (Hindu)
Kanjempuan is a Hindu-style kingdom in East Java, whose center is near Malang City now. Kanjempuan is thought to have been established in the 6th century AD (still contemporaneous with the Kingdom of Taruma around Bekasi and Bogor now). Written proof of this kingdom is the Dinoyo Inscription. The famous king is Gajayana. Other relics are the Temple of Badut and Candi Wurung. Read more ...
564 AD
Sawerigading was born as the "Tolottang" Local Religious Leader - South Sulawesi
The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). People who uphold the sacred values of the One God, in fact many stakeholders (supported by foreigners who are disturbed by their existence) who want to destroy the To Lotang community in Amparita, Sidenreng Rappang Regency.
As in the beliefs of the Bugis, narrated in I La Galigo there are two worlds, in the upper world (Boting Langiq), and in the underworld (Buriq Liu).
Until now, the text of I La Galigo is placed by the Bugis as the "Sacred Book", so that it should not be read like a textbook, or a newspaper, but must be with personal hygiene and heart.
For this reason, the younger generation in general, and the Bugis young generation in particular, should help preserve and live it as a "book" that teaches noble values. Which of course can be read as a clue to the values of Luhur, from the Patriarchs of the Archipelago. Read more ...
Until now, the text of I La Galigo is placed by the Bugis as the "Sacred Book", so that it should not be read like a textbook, or a newspaper, but must be with personal hygiene and heart.
For this reason, the younger generation in general, and the Bugis young generation in particular, should help preserve and live it as a "book" that teaches noble values. Which of course can be read as a clue to the values of Luhur, from the Patriarchs of the Archipelago. Read more ...
571 AD
Prophet Muhammad SAW was born on Monday, 12 Rabi'ul Beginning in 571 AD (better known as the Year of the Elephant)
Prophet Muhammad SAW was born on Monday, 12 Rabi'ul Beginning in 571 AD (better known as the Year of the Elephant)
Patriot Band - Bekasi
The song "Sang Saka" written by Sapto Satrio Mulyo reminds all of us to rise up to fight to build the nation from all aspects of life.
The song "Sang Saka" written by Sapto Satrio Mulyo reminds all of us to rise up to fight to build the nation from all aspects of life.
Jika kita merenung pasti sadarkan diri
Kalau kita sudah terpuruk lama sekali
Bangsa yang pernah besar di muka bumi ini
Mengapa sekarang sulit untuk jadi Mandiri
Berkibarlah Sang Saka mengarungi Dunia
Berkibarlah Sang Saka mewarnai Dunia
Mari kita bersatu membangun negeri ini
Jangan berpaling lagi dari Ibu Pertiwi
Raihlah mimpi-mimpi untuk jadi Mandiri
Karena kau berjalan pasti tidak sendiri
Berkibarlah Sang Saka mengarungi Dunia
Berkibarlah Sang Saka mewarnai Dunia
Bangsa yang pernah besar di muka bumi ini
Mengapa sekarang sulit untuk jadi Mandiri