Window of Archipelago

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang ( Dreamland Library ) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bug...

Palanggatan Imateriil Temple, the Legacy of Prabu Brawijaya V

Mount Lawu Bertopi

Main Literacy
Gunung Lawu (Dreamland Library) - This temple is an Imateriil Temple that departs from Majapahit, precisely in the time of Prabu Brawijaya V. This proves that Prabu Brawijaya V until the end of his life embraces Ancestral Religion.

Because Palanggatan Temple is Imateriil Temple, even now only large people or grandchildren of their sons and daughters, who have advantages can see the whereabouts of the Palanggatan Temple.

Many historical twists occur to this day. This is inseparable from the wishes of the observers, who at this time are likely to have become an Indonesian.

Main Literacy

Source: From various sources and Community Discussions with their descendants.
Photo: Special

Arabic Culture Turns Inheritance from Christian Religious Culture