Jakarta (DreamLandLibrary) - Islamic Syarikat (Sarekat Islam - SI). Formerly called Sarekat Dagang Islam (abbreviated SDI), and it was founded on October 16, 1905 by Haji Samanhudi.
SDI was originally an organization formed by Haji Samanhudi and his friends, as an association of Islamic traders who opposed Dutch politics, allowing the entry of foreign traders to control the people's economy at that time.
Furthermore, due to political and social developments, SI has again metamorphosed into a movement organization that has been renamed several times, including:
SDI was originally an organization formed by Haji Samanhudi and his friends, as an association of Islamic traders who opposed Dutch politics, allowing the entry of foreign traders to control the people's economy at that time.
- In 1906, at the first SDI congress in Solo, the name SDI was changed to Sarekat Islam.
- In 1912, September 10, due to political and social conditions at that time, HOS Tjokroaminoto faced the notary B. ter Kuile in Solo to make Islamic Sarikat as a Legal Entity, with a new SI Statute, which was recognized and endorsed by the Dutch Government on September 14, 1912.
Furthermore, due to political and social developments, SI has again metamorphosed into a movement organization that has been renamed several times, including:
- In 1916, Central Sarekat Islam (abbreviated as CSI)
- In 1920, the Sarekat Islam Party (PSI)
- In 1923, the East Indies Islamic Sarekat Party (PSIHT)
- In 1929, the Indonesian Islamic Syarikat Party (PSII)
- 1973, Islamic Society (PSII)
- In 2003, at the 35th Majlis Tahkim (National Congress) in Garut, the name was changed to Syarikat Islam (abbreviated SI).
- In 2015, the 40th Majlis Tahkim in Bandung, confirmed Dr. Hamdan Zoelva, SH., MH. as Chairman of Laznah Tanfidziyah. Through the organization's highest decision, the Islamic Syarikat returned to its khittah as an economic missionary movement.
Source: From various sources
Photo: Special