Window of Archipelago

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang ( Dreamland Library ) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bug...

Standing Kingdom - 1500 AD onwards

Jakarta (DreamLandLibrary) - In the search for the Dream Land Team, we still provide a timeline

We believe this year's poultices, have a lot of history of our Nation

This page is still in the form of year notes. We will continue to look for information regarding the inter-year relations below.

1500 AD
The establishment of Inderapura Pesisir Selatan Kingdom, West Sumatra

Year 1512 AD - 1850 AD
Occupation by the Portuguese against our Nation

1516 AD
Establishment of the Sultanate of Sand / Sadurangas Pasir, South Kalimantan

1520 AD
The founding of Blambangan Banyuwangi Kingdom, East Java

1521 AD
Tidore Sultanate Tidore, North Maluku

1521 AD
The establishment of the Kingdom of Sumedang Larang, West Java
Establishment of the Bacan Sultanate of Bacan, Maluku

1524 AD
Establishment of the Banten Sultanate

1526 AD
Establishment of the Sultanate of Banten
The establishment of the Banjar Sultanate of South Kalimantan

1527 AD
Establishment of the Cirebon Sultanate of West Java

1536 AD
The establishment of the Kingdom of Kalinyamat

1549 AD
The establishment of the Kingdom of Pajang

1590 AD
Sambas Sambas Consultant, West Kalimantan

Source: From various sources

Photo: Special

Arabic Culture Turns Inheritance from Christian Religious Culture