Window of Archipelago

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang ( Dreamland Library ) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bug...

1900 AD and Beyond

Jakarta (DreamLandLibrary) - In the search for the Dream Land Team, we still provide a timeline

We believe this year's poultices, have a lot of history of our Nation .....

1,900 CE
Raja Gianyar in Bali took over Dutch authority.

Middle schools in Bandung, Magelang and Probolinggo are reorganized to educate Javanese who want to become civil servants.

On March 17, 1900, Tiong Hoa Hwee Koan (THHK) was formed in Batavia. THHK established schools, collected 54 in 1908 and reached 450 schools in 1934.

Year 1901 AD
Jambi was placed under the authority of the Dutch Resident in Palembang during the transition to the problem of succession and other related upheavals.

Mahyudin Datuk Sutan Marajo published the Warta Berita newspaper in Padang, the first Indonesian newspaper to free Latin writing.

Zijlker's Royal Dutch oil company was launched as far as Kalimantan.

The Netherlands places security in the Mentawai Islands.

On 6 June, Sukarno agreed.
Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands announced "Ethical Politics" for the Dutch East Indies.

Year 1902 AD
Dutch who need planning in the affairs of Hajj.

On August 12, Mohammad Hatta met.

Year 1903 AD
The Sultan of Aceh, Tuanku Daud Syah, returned to the Netherlands, but maintained a secret relationship with the guerrillas.

Dutch East Indies start MULO schools for basic education.

The Decentralization Act gave a number of seats to local and provincial governments to the indigenous population in the Dutch East Indies. Elections for the first time were held in Java.

Dutch East Indies lending from the finances of the Dutch homeland.

1904 AD
Van Heutsz, who was previously a military governor in Aceh, became Governor General (until 1909).

Taha from Jambi was killed by the Dutch.

In May, the "Sri Koemala" Ship sank off the coast of Sanur, Bali. Local residents looted the ship; the ship owner asked for compensation for the Dutch East Indies government. Interaction, relations between the Dutch East Indies and Raja Badung in Bali.

The Dutch East Indies military expedition controlled the Batak region in Sumatra.

The expedition site under Captain Van Daalen to the mainland in Aceh caused the death of more than 3,000 villagers, including more than 1,000 women and children.

The Dutch government began to provide assistance and loans for repayment of the Dutch East Indies.

Dewi Sartika founded the Wife School, a school for women.

Year 1905 AD
In January, the Netherlands began conducting military operations for five months in Kalimantan.
The Netherlands sent a military force against the rebellion in Seram.

In August, Dutch troops landed at Pare Pare. Dutch troops achieved a great victory in the Sulawesi region; Bugis, Makasar, Toraja are mastered forever. The ruler of Bone was overthrown.

The Aceh rebels contacted the Japanese consul in Singapore to ask for help.

The Dutch occupied the Mentawai Islands.
The first trade union was formed by railroad workers.
On October 16 Sarekat Dagang Islamiyah was founded by Kyai Haji Samanhudi, initially to protect the interests of Islamic batik traders in Surakarta.

City councils were formed in Batavia and Bandung.
The Dutch East Indies government sponsored a community of Javanese farmers who were moved to Lampung: this is the first example of transmigration.

Year 1906 On 15 September, the Netherlands made major advances in Bali; the Dutch East Indies fleet dumped anchors off the coast of Sanur.

On September 16 the Dutch East Indies forces invaded Sanur.

On September 20, the Dutch Navy opened fire on Denpasar with a cannon.
The Badung nobles committed suicide in a bellows, while marching on the main street of Denpasar. More than 3,600 people were killed.

On September 23, the Netherlands made progress in Tabanan, Bali. Raja Tabanan offered to surrender himself on condition he was allowed to defend his title and land. The Dutch resident captures the king so he can get an answer from the Dutch East Indies government in Batavia. Raja Tabanan committed suicide in detention.

Rubber plantations in Sumatra are developing with a variety of new crop varieties.

The Dutch controlled Sumba.
The Netherlands forms a protectorate of Berau in East Kalimantan.
Post-publishing censorship is introduced: all publications must be submitted within 24 hours after publication to the censor body for review.

Year 1907 AD
The Dutch military put down the rebellion on Flores, and is now in full power.

The revolt in Jambi was finally quelled.
Acehnese guerrillas attacked the Dutch in Banda Aceh.

King Sisingamangaraja XII rebelled against the Dutch, and was shot in the conflict.

The Dutch East Indies introduced a tax on trading ventures.

Samin Surosentiko, the originator of Samin's teachings, was arrested in Java and exiled to Padang, Sumatra.

The oil company Zijlker's Royal Dutch joined Shell Transport and Trading and became Royal Dutch Shell.

The Netherlands sends police to the Tanimbar Islands to stop conflicts between tribes.

The new education program was introduced with the intention of offering three-year education for children, which is open to the general public.

In 1908 the MK revolted against the Dutch; the nobles did bellows to defend their honor.

The Netherlands interfered in local conflicts in Sumbawa, tougher control of the region.

Buton fell into direct Dutch government.
VSTP (railroad trade union) was formed, Indonesian members accepted.
On May 20, Budi Utomo was established among high-class Javanese students in Java, including dr. Sutomo and Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo, marked the start of the national Awakening era.

In October, Budi Utomo held a congress in Yogyakarta. Tjipto Mangunkusumo left this organization.

Indische Vereeniging was established for Indonesian students in the Netherlands.

The small uprising in Minangkabau was quelled.

Dutch East Indies introduced income tax.

Year 1909 AD
Tjokroaminoto became the leader of Sarekat Dagang Islamiyah.
Putri India, a publication for women, was founded.
The Netherlands consolidates power over Seram.
Dutch master Buru.

1,910 MP Rebelled in East Timor under the leadership of Dom Boaventura.
Ratulangi founded the Minahasa Association, a social organization for Minahasa people.
Dutch expedition to the island of Komodo reported the discovery of the Komodo dragon to the public in Europe for the first time.

1911 AD
Abendanon published the letters R.A. Kartini with the title "Door Duisternis Tot Licht" ("After the Light of the Rising Light").
Plague of plague struck Java Island.

1912 AD
On September 10, Sarekat Dagang Islamiyah changed its name to Sarekat Islam under the leadership of Tjokroaminoto.
Indische Partij was formed by Setiabudi (Douwes Dekker), Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Ki Hajar Dewantara. A year later, this triumvirate was exiled.
Portugal suppressed rebellion in East Timor.
On November 18, Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan founded Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta.
The Netherlands sends another military expedition to the Tanimbar islands.
After the proclamation of the People's Republic of China in January, Chinese organizations that were initially involved in the socio-cultural field began to turn towards politics.

1913 AD
In January, the Sarekat Islam congress in Surabaya decided to expand their activities throughout the Indies.
The Kartini Foundation was established in the Netherlands to support the education of women in Java.
Governor-General Idenburg declared Sarekat Islam a legal organization.
Indische Partij is prohibited; its leaders were exiled to the Netherlands.
On July 20, the Pasundan Circle of Friends Organization was established as a Sundanese social and cultural organization in West Java.
The Dutch East Indies government was given the power to borrow money without first having to obtain permission from the government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Suwardi Suryaningrat (known as Ki Hadjar Dewantara) together with the Boemi Poetera Committee published "Als Ik Eens Nederlander Was", an article on nationalism. He was exiled to the Netherlands until 1919.
Liem Seeng Tee opens a tobacco shop outside Surabaya - the forerunner to the Sampoerna kretek cigarette company.

1914 AD
Hollandsch-Inlandsche Schools (HIS) were re-established, becoming open to Indonesians.
On May 9, Sneevliet founded the Indische Sociaal-Democratische Vereeniging (ISDV), later to become the PKI.
War in Europe: The Dutch government is considering using militias from Indonesia.
The Great Colonial Exhibition in Semarang, was attended by Pakubuwono X from Surakarta and his entourage.
The Dutch East Indies Government opened a flight test facility in Surabaya to study aircraft performance in tropical conditions.
KNIL forms an air force.
Nias is fully controlled by the Dutch.
The KNIL occupation forces in Bali were withdrawn and replaced by ordinary police units.
Insulinde stood up, supported by Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo, who has returned from exile.

1915 AD
Tri Koro Dharma was formed as a youth organization from Budi Utomo (renamed Jong Java in 1918).
Sudirman was born.
Haji Agus Salim entered Sarekat Islam, introducing Islamic modernization.
Britain and the Netherlands sign an agreement to improve the border between North Borneo (Sabah) and the Dutch East Indies.

1916 AD
Delegation of members from Budi Utomo, and other organizations visited the Netherlands
The Dutch East Indies government formed "Politiek Inlichtingen Dienst", a special police force to investigate political crime (later renamed "Algemene Recherche").

J.P. Count van Limburg Stirum became Governor-General until 1921.
Soekarno, a young school student in Surabaya, lives in Tjokroaminoto's house.

Mangkunegara VII took over his residence in Surakarta.
In December, the State Council (Parliament) in the Netherlands passed a bill for the establishment of a Koloniale Raad (later known as the Volksraad) for the Dutch East Indies.

1917 AD
Jong Sumatranen Bond stands in Jakarta
Left-wing groups from Semarang gather at Sarekat Islam under Semaun; Tjokroaminoto did not forbid them.
Dutch consider Indonesian militias for military service; leftist members of the Sarekat Islam oppose.
Modern port facilities were built in Surabaya.
Ki Hajar Dewantara returned from captivity.

1918 AD
On May 18, the Volksraad met for the first time. 39% of its members are Indonesian. Its members are elected by local councils from the district. Most members are government employees or regents. The Volksraad consists of one room, and serves as an advisory board only.
Governor General van Limburg Stirum appointed Tjokroaminoto to become a member of the Volksraad. Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo was also stationed there.
ISDV began to form soviets (councils) in Surabaya.
"Sarekat Islam B", a secret revolutionary branch, began to take shape. Its members include Musso (and possibly also Tjokroaminoto).
Sarekat Sumatra was established.
Smallpox outbreaks hit Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan.
The Jong Minahasa organization was established.
The Netherlands Indies government began to suppress the '' soviets '' ISDV, expelling Dutch members from the communist movement.
"November pledge": the Dutch government says that Indonesia will have a self-government in the future that has not been established.
On November 14, Indonesian members in the Volksraad criticized the Dutch East Indies Government for giving priority to European interests.
Dutch East Indies government discards Sneevliet.
Douwes Dekker returned from captivity.

1919 AD
In May-June, the shooting in Garut; a Dutch official in Toli-toli, Sulawesi was killed. The Dutch used this shooting as an excuse to suppress the Sarekat Islam Section B.
Indo-Europees Verbond was founded to advance the interests of "Indo people", while at the same time supporting the Dutch.
Haji Misbach taught "Islamic Communism" in Surakarta
KLM opens long-distance air services from Amsterdam to Batavia.

Year 1,920 AD
On May 27, ISDV changed its name to the Communist Union in the Indies (later PKI).
PKH published the writings of Lenin.
Technische Hoogeschool was founded in Bandung (now ITB: Bandung Institute of Technology).
Sarekat Ambon was founded.
Conflict between the Communists and the Sarekat Islam developed.
On December 25 PKH joined the Communist International.

1921 AD
In June, Jong Java held a congress in Bandung; Sukarno spoke at the congress to advocate language reform.
Fock became Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies until 1926.
Timorsch Verbond was founded.
In August, Tjokroaminoto was arrested.
In October, the 6th National Congress of the Sarekat Islam banned SI members from concurrently serving as members of other parties, including the PKI.
Many Sarekat Islam branches were divided into (SI-Merah) which followed Semaun and (SI-Putih) which followed Tjokroaminoto.
Semaun left for the Soviet Union.
Tan Malaka tried to restore the divisions in Sarekat Islam.
PKI rejects Tjokroaminoto.
Young Sukarno began studying at Technische Hoogeschool in Bandung.
Suharto was born.
Hamengkubuwono VIII became the Sultan of Yogyakarta.
In December, Tan Malaka became chairman of the PKI.

1922 AD
The Indonesian Student Association was established in the Netherlands. Its members include Mohammad Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, Sutomo, Ali Sastroamidjojo, and many others who later played an important role in the struggle for independence (and in the government of the Republic of Indonesia in the 1950s).

In March, Tan Malaka was banished from the Dutch East Indies.
In April, Tjokroaminoto was released from detention while awaiting his appeal.
Ki Hadjar Dewantoro founded Taman Siswa in Yogyakarta, an independent school without government support to develop Javanese arts and modern (anti-modernist) education; coined the term "guided democracy".
Indische Vereeniging in the Netherlands changed its name to the Indonesian Association. Its members include Mohammad Hatta and Sutan Sjahrir; Tan Malaka and Semaun spoke at their meetings.
Semaun returned from the Netherlands.
Marah Roesli published the novel "Sitti Noerbaja"
The strike continues.
Modern port facilities were opened in Belawan to serve northern Sumatra.

1923 AD
In February, the Catholic Party was founded.
The train strike by the VSTP led by the Communists, Semaun as its leader was captured and banished; many trade unions are now dominated by Communists.
In February, Tjokroaminoto reorganized Sarekat Islam into the new Sarekat Islam Party. Communist supporters left the organization, and brought many members with them; The Red SI branches became Sarekat Rakyat.
Tan Malaka was appointed as Comintern agent for Southeast Asia, and is based in Guangdong, China.
On September 12, the Islamic Union (or Persis), a hardline modernist group, was founded in Bandung. Young Mohammad Natsir was one of the first members.
Pasteur Institute was moved from Batavia to Bandung.
Military service was imposed on all Dutch citizens in the Indies.

1924 AD
The Communist Union in the Indies changed its name to the Indonesian Communist Party, and decided to organize a rebellion. Musso joined the PKI.
"Sarekat Hijau" was formed by the Dutch, its members being local officials, criminals, police, etc. the pro-Dutch.
Dr. Sutomo founded the Indonesia Study Club.
The first airmail service from Batavia to Amsterdam. The flight took almost two months.
The Central Malaria Bureau was established to coordinate malaria eradication programs.
Tan Malaka, the originator of the Republic of Indonesia through his book Naar de Republiek Indonesia

1925 AD
New constitution: Council of the Indies becomes an advisory body, the Volksraad gets limited legislative power. The Governor General and the bureaucracy are not affected. Chinese people are officially defined as "vreemde oosterlingen"

Membership in the Volksraad is set to 60:30; 60 Dutch, 25 Indonesian, and 5 other members of Arab or Chinese descent.
The strike led by the PKI failed, Tan Malaka was in Singapore.
Sukarno founded the pro-independence Generaal Study Club in Bandung, advocating national unity.
On September 23, Jong Islamieten Bond was established in Jakarta; its members include Haji Agus Salim and Mohammad Natsir.
Tan Malaka sparked the form of a Republican state, through the book Naar de Republiek Indonesia
Film sensor applied.
The first commercial radio station in Batavia.
In December, PKI leaders held a meeting in Prambanan to plan an open rebellion.

1926 AD
The Dutch arrested more PKI members; Musso goes to Singapore. The PKI got instructions from Moscow to start a revolution, then canceled this instruction. Musso conceals the second instruction (instruction not to rebel).

On January 31, the Committee of Islamic scholars gathered in Surabaya to send a delegation to Saudi Arabia to protest the conditions for Indonesian pilgrims. (This committee will later become the seed of the Nahdlatul Ulama.)
The First Pemoeda Congress was held in Solo on 30 April to 2 May 1926, with the chairman Mohammad Tabrani (Jong Java)
On November 12, PKI rebelled in Banten, Batavia, Bandung, Padang. The PKI announced the formation of a republic. This revolt was crushed by the Dutch, who arrested around 13,000 people. Tan Malaka opposed the rebellion.
Sukarno earned an engineer degree in Architecture in Bandung.
Sukarno published a series of writings entitled "Nationalism, Islam and Marxism", and called for cooperation between these three movements.
De Graeff became Governor General until 1931.
On December 31, Kyai Haji Hasjim Asjari founded Nahdlatul Ulama, a Muslim organization that works in the fields of education, charitable assistance and economic assistance.

1927 AD
In January, the PKI rebellion in Silungkang, West Sumatra was crushed.
In February, Hatta and others attended an anti-colonial meeting in Brussels along with many other nationalists from Asia and Africa.
On July 4 Sukarno and Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo founded the Indonesian National Union (PNI).
In September, Hatta, Ali Sastroamidjojo and others in the Indonesian Student Association were arrested.
Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo was captured and sent to captivity in Banda. He lived in captivity for 11 years.
The Dutch East Indies built a Boven Digul prison camp in Papua to house political prisoners.
Anti-narcotics campaign: Dutch East Indies prohibits planting coca and hemp.
In December, the Indonesian National Political Society Association (PPPKI), a group that houses nationalist organizations, was formed in Bandung.
Jahja Datoek Kajo was the first person to speak in Indonesian in the Volksraad session

1928 AD
PNI changed its name to the Indonesian National Party, received the Red-White flag, Indonesian as the national language, "Indonesia Raya" created by W.R. Supratman as the national anthem.
In March, Hatta and his supporters were released; Hatta's speeches were clearly anti-Dutch.
On October 28, the Second Youth Congress in Batavia received a "youth oath": one homeland, one nation and one language. The Congress is chaired by Sugondo Djojopuspito (PPI)
Muhammad Yamin wrote the poem "Indonesia spilled my blood".
KNILM was established as an official airline of the Dutch East Indies.
Perti (Persatuan Tarbiyah Islamiyah) was established in Bukittinggi as an educational organization for traditionalist Minangkabau Muslims.

1929 AD
In August, the Dutch East Indies Government warned PNI members to stop their activities.
Indonesians get a majority seat in the Volksraad, which remains an advisory body.
The Dutch restored the former rulers of Bali to become local rulers who ruled under Dutch authority, in a long ceremony at Besakih.
On December 29, Sukarno and his followers were arrested in Yogyakarta. They were imprisoned in Bandung.
Dutch East Indies bureaucracy
Legal distribution of the Dutch East Indies. Dark blue: Dutch rule through traditional leaders who have sworn allegiance to the Netherlands (zelfbestuuren status) guided by Dutch residents. Light blue is governed directly by the BB (Binnenlands Bestuuren) of the Dutch government

1930 AD
Muhammad Husni Thamrin formed a nationalist faction in the Volksraad; demanding autonomy.
The Dutch East Indies government began limited production of the sweat planes at Andir airport in Bandung (AVRO-AL model), using a Canadian design and local wood.
In June, Prince Surjodiningrat established Pakempalan Kawula Ngayogyakarta as a cultural organization for residents of Yogyakarta, which became very popular.
On August 18, Sukarno was tried in Bandung. He delivered inspirational speeches in court.
Japan established Borneo Oil Company.
Mount Merapi erupted and killed 1300 people.
On December 22, Sukarno was sentenced to four years in prison for his nationalist activities.
PNI was dissolved by the Dutch East Indies Government.

1931 AD
The Indonesian association was controlled by the communists; Sjahrir and Hatta were fired.
On April 25, PNI decided to disband itself. The Indonesian Party or Partindo was formed instead four days later. Some PNI members, including Hatta, were disappointed.
In December, Sjahrir established the Indonesian National Education with Hatta ("PNI-Baru").
Sukarno was freed by de Graeff.
King Bone was restored by the Dutch to rule with local self-government.
De Jonge became Governor General until 1936.
The Dutch East Indies government tightened press censorship.
Ong Hok Liong founded the cigarette company Bentoel.
On December 31, Sukarno was released earlier than jail in Bandung.

1932 AD
Sukarno joined Partindo; interest in Partindo is increasing.
In August, Hatta returned from the Netherlands.
The Netherlands demands independent schools to request operating permits from the government; factions in the Volksraad unite against this idea.

1933 AD
On February 5, the Rebellion of Dutch and Indonesian seamen aboard the Dutch ship "Zeven Provincien". This revolt was caused by dissatisfaction due to low salaries, but the Dutch East Indies Government saw it as a political rebellion.
The Dutch East Indies suppressed independent schools and political leaders in Minangkabau.
In August, Sukarno, Hatta, Sjahrir were arrested. Sukarno was banished to Ende in Flores without trial.
Oost-Indische Leger was renamed KNIL (Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger).
Meetings of the parent PPPKI organization are prohibited.
Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana publishes the New Pujangga magazine

1934 AD
The Netherlands began to implement protectionist policies to deter cheaper Japanese products and protect more expensive Dutch products.
The Netherlands pressured PKN to abandon its open political activities.
In February, Hatta and Sjahrir were arrested and sent to the Boven Digul detention camp in Papua.
The Netherlands bans the Partindo congress.
Tjokroaminoto died.

1935 AD
In December, Budi Utomo and the Indonesian National Unity joined to form the Greater Indonesia Party (Parindra). Its members include Thamrin and Dr. Sutomo; there are also a number of pro-Japanese members. The new party called for independence through cooperation with the Netherlands.

1936 AD
Van Starkenborgh was appointed Governor General; he held this position until at least 1945.
Hatta and Sjahrir were moved to Banda.
In July, the "Sutarjo Petition" was issued, calling for independence for Indonesia within 10 years.
On September 29, the Volksraad decided to support the petition for Indonesian autonomy within the Dutch constitution.
Pedicabs become a means of transportation in Batavia.
In November, Partindo was dissolved.
Dutch geologists have found evidence of mineral wealth - iron, copper, silver and gold - in Papua.

1937 AD
On May 24, the Indonesian People's Movement (Gerindo) was established. Its members include Yamin and Amir Sjarifuddin. As an organization Gerindo supported independence, but tended to work with the Dutch against Japan.
On December 17 the Antara News Agency was established.

1938 AD
Sukarno, who was still in Dutch custody, was moved to Bengkulu.
The first outsiders reached the Baliem Valley in Papua.
The Netherlands held a Tapanuli trial to support the local Batak rulers.
The Dutch East Indies instituted "customary law" in Minangkabau and Banjarmasin.
Moscow ordered the PKI to stop anti-Dutch activities.
On November 16, the Dutch Government rejected the 1936 autonomy petition for Indonesia.

1939 AD
Pakubuwono X from Surakarta died, Pakubuwono XI was the new Susuhunan.
Japan occupied the Spratly Islands.
In May, the All Aceh Ulema Association (PUSA was established by Muhammad Da'ud Beureu'eh to coordinate anti-Dutch activities in Aceh.
The Indonesian Political Association (GAPI), an umbrella organization of various nationalist organizations, was formed. Thamrin is one of his main advocates.
Kartosuwirjo and his followers broke away from the Sarekat Islam Party, and brought along many of their supporters in West Java.

In December, GAPI organized the Indonesian People's Congress, a large representative meeting in Batavia, which submitted demands for a parliament that was fully elected to the Indies.

1940 AD
In February, the Dutch again rejected autonomy for the Dutch East Indies.
On February 13, Japan rejected an arbitration agreement with the Netherlands.
On March 18 Hamengkubuwono IX became the Sultan of Yogyakarta.
In May, the Dutch fell into German hands, the Dutch government fled to London.
On June 28, Japan said it wanted to renegotiate trade agreements with the Netherlands.
In July, Indonesia's export goods to Japan were stopped.
In August, Japan declared that French Indochina and the Dutch East Indies must be wholeheartedly integrated into the "East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere".
On August 9, GAPI presented another petition about "completing Indonesia's democratization".
On 23 August the Commission for the Study of Constitutional Change was formed to study the GAPI request. Thamrin et al in the Volksraad withdrew their proposal for democratization.
In September, the Japanese Army moved towards French Indochina.
On September 12, the Netherlands Indies Government began trade talks with the Japanese delegation under the leadership of Kobayashi. Van Mook did not want to cooperate with the Japanese demands for aviation fuel.
On October 26, Japan and the Netherlands issued a joint declaration containing the Dutch East Indies would not be part of the "Co-Prosperity Sphere".
On November 12, quotas for the sale of oil to Japan from the Dutch East Indies were stipulated in the agreement

1941 AD
  1. On 6 January Muhammad Husni Thamrin, Ernest Douwes Dekker (Danudirja Setiabudi) and several nationalist figures were arrested.
  2. MH Thamrin died after five days in prison.
  3. Ernest Douwes Dekker (Danudirja Setiabudi) was exiled to Suriname.
Year 1942 AD - 1.945 AD
Japanese occupation of our nation

1943 AD
PETA Formation

1944 AD
Allied forces hit Japan again

1945 AD - 1950 AD 
National Revolution which produced the "Proclamation of Indonesian Independence 17 August 1945
Egypt was the first country in the world to recognize Indonesian Sovereignty on August 17, 1945.

1946 AD
Bandung Ocean of Fire Events
The Westerling incident began on December 11, 1946 (Massacre - 40,000,000 People)

1947 AD
First Dutch Military Aggression

1948 AD
Second Dutch Military Aggression

1949 AD
General Offensive March 1, 1949

Year 1950 AD - 1959 AD
Old Order

Year 1959 AD - 1966 AD
Guided democracy

1965 MP Massacre 6 Generals / G 30 S PKI

Year 1966 AD - 1998 AD
the new order

1966 AD
  1. March 11 warrant (Supersemar)
  2. The New Order began, starting in 1966 AD to 1.998 AD
1968 MT 21 March Suharto was elected as the second President of the Republic of Indonesia in a vote conducted by the People's Consultative Assembly.

1969 AD
April. The Five-Year Development Plan (Repelita) I was announced

1970 AD
January 21. Former President Soekarno died in Bogor

Year 1972 AD
Food crisis in Indonesia

Year 1998 AD
  1. The economic crisis hit Indonesia and several Southeast Asian countries. The newly re-elected President Suharto was forced to resign from his post. When the Reformation begins
  2. Reform Order - until now

  • From various sources

Photo: Special

Arabic Culture Turns Inheritance from Christian Religious Culture