Window of Archipelago

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang ( Dreamland Library ) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bug...

Ratahan, Southeast Minahasa - 2500 BC

Menado (DreamLandLibrary) - At that time the Minahasa people who were cultured in Malesung had known a regular government in the form of a Taranak group of descendants for example the Soputan, Oputan derivatives, Makaliwe, Mandei, Pinontoan and Mamarimbing. Their supreme leader is the Muntu-Untu title, who led the deliberations at Watu Pinawetengan in the 7th century.

Ratahan is in the Regency of Southeast Minahasa. Is the Regency capital. Entering the city from the north through the steep mountain road cut like a protective wall for this area, decorated with green mountain views. The entire district itself is 160.60 km.

The Origin of the Population
Ratahan residents came in waves both from Tontemboan (Minahasa), as well as migrants from across the land both from North and South. From Tontemboan (Minahasa), Bantik, Mongondow, Mindanao, Bayo, Tifuru. Paulus Lumoindong (Etonology of Minahasa). According to the stories of several Minahasa family elders, there are still two Pakasa'an in the old Minahasa story who went to the Gorontalo region (currently a descendant of the Suawa opok) and Tou-Ure who lived in the mountains of Wulur - Mahatus. Tou-Ure means old people. According to the theory of the formation of a large stone age supporter or "megalith" written by Drs. Teguh Asmar in his paper "Prehistoric North Sulawesi" in 1986. The Megalith Era was formed around 2500 years before Christ, an example of the stone age is to concentrate traditional ceremonies on large stones such as Watu Pinawetengan. The new stone age or Neolith era in North Sulawesi began in the first millennium BC or around a thousand years BC. For example the manufacture of Waruga tombs.

The Tou-Ure Pakasa'an probably did not participate in the deliberations in Pinawetengan to pledge a descendant of Toar and Lumimuut where all the Pakasaans called themselves Mahasa as long as the word Esa meant one, until Tou-Ure was forgotten in the old Minahasa story. It cannot yet be traced in what century the Tountewo broke in two into Pakasa 'Toundanou and Tounsea until Minahasa had four Pakas'an. Namely Toungkimbut changed to Toumpakewa, Toumbuluk, Tonsea and Toundanou. The condition of Pakasa'an in Minahasa in Dutch times seems to have changed again where the Tontemboan Pakasa'an has divided the Pakasa'an area of ​​Toundanouw (see picture) and the Tondano, Touwuntu and Toundanou were born. Tondano's Pakasa'an consists of the walak Kakas, Romboken and Toulour. The Touwuntu Pakasa'an consists of the walaks of Tousuraya and Toulumalak which are now called Pasan and Ratahan. Toundanou's clothing consists of the wal Tombatu and Tonsawang.

Historical period
As for the four boats that followed the Toar and Lumimuut entourage, it is said that two of them anchored at Kema, then established settlements in Minawerot, Kumelembuay and Kalawat (Klabat). One boat docked at Atep. They headed to the west and found a large lake in the middle of the plateau and decided to settle there and establish the settlement of Tataaran, Koya, Tampusu (Remboken) and Kakas. But some of them, along the coast to the south to arrive at Bentenan and some of them headed to the west then established the Tosuraya settlement. While one boat anchored at Pogidon then established the Singkil and Malalayang settlements around Mount Bantik.

When the population around Lake Bulilin continued to grow, the Tonaas, Walian and Potuusan took the initiative to hold a meeting to talk about (Tumani) the spread of the population to various directions in the land of Malesung. Tumani said H. M. Taulu (Op. Cit, 1955) as the first transmission of the Minahasa people. In the new place, they met other people who were not like Taranak. Among their descendants, mixed marriages occur so that with the increasing number of Taranak-taranak, a woman (country) is created.

As is customary, the Pasiowan Telu group is required to do work in the public interest and pinontol (working with leaders), such as planting and reaping. In addition, they are required to divide their agricultural, livestock and hunting products to Makarua Makasiow and Makatelu Pitu groups and make customary provisions such as preparing sacrificial offerings every time the state poso rituals are held and maintaining national security in rotation (Drs. REH Kotambunan, Minahasa II & III , 1985).

Around the 5th century there was a rebellion and warfare from the Pasiowan Telu group because of their demands that customary lands as agricultural land which had been largely processed (processed) as belonging to the Makarua Siow and Makatelu Pitu groups to be shared fairly, demanding that the system the appointment of the leader is no longer the authority of the Makarua Siow group and the Makatelu Pitu group, but must be chosen from all members of the community, not granted on the grounds that it is not in accordance with adat provisions.

Seeing the war between Walak (the Taranak group) continuing, in 670, several Walians and Tonaas realized the importance of a deliberation in an effort to re-create unity and unity that took place around the foot of Mount Tonderukan. In that place, there is a stone "Tumotowa" where the poso ritual is carried out (J. G. F. Riedel, The Minahasa, 1862).

Despite the tough process, the deliberations led by Tonaas Kapero from the Pasiowan Telu group together with Muntu Untu from Makarua Siow as the court clerk / witness and Mandey as a witness, succeeded in reaching several important agreements, including: - Receiving the determination of the settlement division for each Taranak group - Every Taranak can develop customary provisions and rituals that are still based on belief in Empung Walian Wangko (God the Most Great) and opo (ancestors). - Every Taranak can develop language according to their own wishes, but all of them still claim to be one Kasuruan, which can not be scattered by anyone.

Furthermore, the division of residential areas is regulated as follows:

1. Taranak led by Tonaas Mapumpun, Belung, and Walian Kakamang headed around Mount Lokon and settled in Mayesu, near Kinilow and Muung. They called Tou Muung later became Tomohon. They are called Tombulu.

2. The Taranak led by Tonaas Walalangi and Walian Rogi headed to Niaranan and Kembuan (Old Tonsea). Others set up settlements around Mount Kalawat (Klabat). They are called "Tou Un Sea" (Tonsea)

3. Taranak, led by Tonaas Karemis and Piay, went west and spread to Tombasian, Kawangkoan, Langowan, Rumoong (Tareran) and Tewasen.

4. Taranak, led by Tonaas Pangemanan, Runtuwene and Mamahit, headed to Kakas, Atep and Limambot. They are called Toulour.

5. The Taranak, led by Tonaas Wuntu, head to Bentenan. Some of them set up settlements in Ratan. They are called the Ratahan. Towards Towuntu (Liwutung), they are called tou Pasan. Some of the Pasan tou held tumani and settled in Tawawu (Tababo), Belang and Watuliney, mingling with the residents of Taranak Ponosakan, namely the Butiti, Wumbunan and Tubelan families who came from Wulur Mahatus (Pontak). They are called tou Ponosakan.

6. The Taranak, led by Tonaas Kamboyan, head to the plains around Lake Bulilin, where they originally came from and inhabit settlements in Bukit Batu, Kali and Abur. They are called Toundanouw (Tondano), meaning people who live around water. Then the Dutch called them Tonsawang, meaning people who like to help.

7. The Taranak led by Tonaas Angkoy and Maindangkay headed west until they arrived around Mount Bantik and established the Malalayang settlement. Some of them went to settle in Pogidon and Singkil. Because they live around Mount Bantik, they are called tou Bantik.

As for one of the important decisions of deliberations on the stone "Tumotowa" which is the division of territory, so the stone is called "Watu Pinawetengan", meaning the stone where the division. In the course of history it turned out that war between tribal children in Malesung was still frequent, so that in 1428 the Minahasa leaders held another meeting around Watu Pinawetengan. The decisions reached in the deliberations, namely: the name '' Malesung '' was changed to '' Minahasa '', derived from the word esa (one), given the prefix ma and insertion in, then the word '' Almighty '' was formed (uniting) , then became '' Minahasa '' (Dr. Godee Molsbergen, Geschiedenis Van De Minahasa, 1929), meaning that became one, namely uniting all Minahasa tribal children: Tontemboan, Tombulu, Tonsea, Toulour, Pasan, Ratahan, Ponosakan, Tonsawang and Bantik

Source:, _Minahasa_Tenggara
Photo: Special

Arabic Culture Turns Inheritance from Christian Religious Culture