Window of Archipelago

La Galigo - Similar to the Koran but older than the Koran

Ujungpandang ( Dreamland Library ) - The Bugis in South Sulawesi, adheres to a belief in the Gods of Seuwae (the Only God). "The Bug...

Salakanagara Kingdom (130 AD - 362 AD)

Pandeglang (Dreamland Library) - The Kingdom of Salakanagara (Silver Country) was established in 130 AD with the capital city of Rajatapura located on the west coast of Pandeglang.

The first King Dewawarman I (130 AD - 168 AD) with the title Aji Raksa Gapurasagara (King of the Sea Gate)

His territories include:
  • Agrabinta Kingdom on Panaitan Island
  • Agnynusa Kingdom on Krakatau Island
  • And the tip of South Sumatra
In 165 AD Banten (Panaitan Island) was included in the map made by Claudius Ptolomeus as part of the shipping route, starting from Europe to China via India, Vietnam, the North End and the West Coast of Sumatra, Panaitan Island, the Sunda Strait, continuing through the Sea South China reaches Mainland China.

The order of the Salakanagara Kings
  1. 130-168 AD, Dewawarman I (Prabu Darmalokapala Aji Raksa Sagara Gapura,
  2. 168-195 AD, Dewawarman II (Prabu Digwijayakasa Dewawarmanputra), the oldest son of Dewawarman I,
  3. 195-238 AD, Dewawarman III (Prabu Singasagara Bimayasawirya), Putera Dewawarman II,
  4. 238-252 AD, Dewawarman IV (Dewawarman II's son-in-law, Raja Ujung Kulon),
  5. 252-276 AD, Dewawarman V (Dewawarman IV's son-in-law),
  6. 276-289 AD, Mahisasuramardini Warmandewi (Dewawarman IV's oldest daughter & Dewawarman V's wife),
  7. 289-308 AD, Dewawarman VI (Sang Mokteng Samudera), the oldest son of Dewawarman V,
  8. 308-340 AD, Dewawarman VII (Prabu Bima Digwijaya Satyaganapati), the oldest son of Dewawarman VI,
  9. 340-348 AD, Sphatikarnawa Warmandewi (Eldest Daughter of Dewawarman VII),
  10. 348-362 AD, Dewawarman VIII (PRABU DARMAWIRYA Dewawarman), Cucu Dewawarman VI.
In 362 AD when the leadership was in the hands of Dewawman IX, Salakanagara became a subordinate kingdom of Tarumanagara. So it can be said that Dewawarman VIII is the last King of Salakanagara.

Source: Book "Banten Past Records", Drs Halwani Michrob, MSc, Drs A. Mudjahid Chudori, Publisher Brothers, Serang 1993. Added various other sources

Sources: Various Sources
Photo: Special

Arabic Culture Turns Inheritance from Christian Religious Culture